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  • What are anti-wrinkle injections and how does it work?

Anti-wrinkle injections relax facial muscles by temporarily blocking their nerve impulses. As a result of reducing muscle contraction, the lines and wrinkles overlying the muscle improve with time. When used in controlled doses by a professional practitioner, it softens facial expressions and reduces the appearance of lines and wrinkles.

  • How long do the results last?

This can vary from one person to the next as individual metabolism affects the duration of results. It also depends on the area of treatment but results last approximately 3 to 4 months.

  • Which areas can be treated with anti-wrinkle injections?

Anti-wrinkle injections are used to treat the upper face areas to treat frown and forehead lines, as well as laughter lines also called crow’s feet. It can also be used to lift the eyebrows, slim the face, tighten the jowls, correct a downturned mouth, and improve fine lines above the upper lips.

  • What results can I expect?

You will usually start to see some effect after a few days. Full effects can take up to 2 to 4 weeks. Results will depend on your individual requirements and will be discussed fully during the consultation. We always aim to use these treatments to enhance your natural features, aiming for natural-looking results.

Aiza Jamil



Dr Aiza Jamil is a one of the leading UK trained Consultant Dermatologist, laser and aesthetics. Dr Aiza Jamil did her dermatology training in Sheffield and works as Consultant Dermatologist in Manchester University Hospitals providing services to UK’s largest hospital, Manchester Royal Infirmary. She has also completed American Board Diplomate Certification in medical and cosmetic lasers from American Board of Laser Surgery making her unique in having both UK and USA qualifications.

Frequently Asked Question

Can A Dermatologist Get Rid Of Wrinkles?

Yes, dermatologist In Manchester offer various treatments to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, including injectables, laser therapy, and topical treatments.

The ideal age for anti-wrinkle injections varies depending on skin concerns and goals. However, many individuals start considering these treatments in their late 20s to early 30s as a preventive measure.

While some treatments may provide long-lasting results, wrinkles cannot be permanently fixed. However, dermatological procedures can effectively minimize their appearance and slow ageing.

Dermatologists typically ask questions about symptoms, medical history, family history of skin conditions, previous treatments, skincare routines, and lifestyle factors that may affect skin health.

The duration of wrinkle injections varies depending on the type of treatment used and individual factors. Generally, results can last anywhere from three to six months, after which additional treatments may be required to maintain the desired outcome.