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Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is a chronic skin condition characterized by inflammation, redness, itching, and the development of dry, scaly patches on the skin. It is a common condition that can affect people of all ages, but it often begins in childhood.

Key features of eczema include:


One of the most prominent symptoms of eczema is intense itching, which can be debilitating and disrupt daily activities.


Eczema is an inflammatory skin condition, leading to redness and swelling of the affected areas.

Dry skin:

People with eczema often have dry and sensitive skin, which can crack and become more susceptible to infections.

Rashes and patches:

Eczema typically presents as red or brownish-gray patches, especially in areas where the skin folds, such as the inside of elbows, behind the knees, and on the face, hands, and feet.


Eczema symptoms can vary over time, with periods of flare-ups where symptoms worsen, and periods of remission where the skin may improve. the exact cause of eczema is not fully understood, but it is believed to involve a combination of genetic, environmental, and immune system factors. Triggers for eczema flare-ups can include allergens, irritants, stress, climate changes, and certain foods.

Management and treatment of eczema often involve a combination of the following:

 Keeping the skin well-moisturized helps manage dryness and reduce the risk of flare-ups.

Topical Corticosteroids:

These anti-inflammatory medications are commonly prescribed to reduce inflammation and itching during flare-ups.

Avoiding Triggers:

Identifying and avoiding triggers such as certain foods, allergens, and irritants can help manage eczema.


These may be recommended to alleviate itching and improve sleep during flare-ups.

Prescription Medications:

In severe cases, doctors may prescribe systemic medications or immunosuppressants to control inflammation.

It’s essential for individuals with eczema to work closely with healthcare professionals to develop a personalized management plan. If you suspect you have eczema or are experiencing persistent skin issues, it’s advisable to consult with a dermatologist or healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

Aiza Jamil



Dr Aiza Jamil is a one of the leading UK trained Consultant Dermatologist, laser and aesthetics. Dr Aiza Jamil did her dermatology training in Sheffield and works as Consultant Dermatologist in Manchester University Hospitals providing services to UK’s largest hospital, Manchester Royal Infirmary. She has also completed American Board Diplomate Certification in medical and cosmetic lasers from American Board of Laser Surgery making her unique in having both UK and USA qualifications.