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Can Acne Scars Be Removed?

The marks left by acne can be a double problem. First, you dealt with the pimples, and now you’re left with marks.

Acne-like lesions (pimples) occur when hair follicles (or “pores”) on the skin are clogged with the dead cells of the skin. A plugged follicle can be ideal for bacteria to thrive and produce pimple-like red pimples.

What Are the Different Types of Acne?

Acne comes in different forms:

  • Mild acne: This causes blackheads or whiteheads, which the majority of us experience at some time.
  • Mild acne: It can lead to pimples that are inflamed and red (called papules), and red pimples have white centers (called pustules)
  • Severe acne causes pain lumps, pus-filled cysts, or pus-filled bumps (called nodules) beneath the skin.

The most severe marks are caused by more severe forms of acne scars, which have nodules and are more likely to leave permanent marks than other forms.

The most effective approach is treating acne immediately after it first appears to avoid further breakouts and scarring. If you suffer from nodules, visit your dermatologist or physician for treatment.

Treatment Acne Scars

Most of the time, the brownish or reddish acne marks left on the skin after pimples have cleared will fade without treatment. However, squeezing or picking acne may increase the chances of scarring, honey are two kinds:

  1. scars that have an incline (sometimes referred to as “rolling” wounds)
  2. scars which are deep and narrow

The person’s acne must be controlled before it is treated.

Mild Vs. Severe Scarring

Treatment options are based on how extensive your scars appear. Sometimes, the dermatologist or doctor might suggest using a chemical peel or microdermabrasion to enhance the appearance of scarred areas. These gentler treatments can be carried out at the office.

If you have severe scarring from prior instances of acne, a variety of treatments can be helpful:

  • Laser Resurfacing 

This procedure can be done in the dermatologist’s or doctor’s office. The laser eliminates the damaged top layer of skin and tightens the middle layer, making the skin look soft and smoother. It could take between a few minutes and an hour. 

The doctor will attempt to reduce discomfort by first numbing the area using local anesthesia. It generally takes between 3 to 10 days to heal the skin thoroughly.

  • Dermabrasion

This treatment uses the rotating wire brush or spinning diamond tool to tear down the skin’s surface. 

When the skin heals, it will be replaced with a smoother layer to replace the irritated skin. It could take longer to heal the skin by dermabrasion, but it’s usually between 10 and three weeks.

  • Fractional Laser Therapy

This type of treatment is performed more deeply than dermabrasion or laser resurfacing because fractional laser therapy doesn’t damage the upper layer of tissue, and the healing time is less. Patients with this kind of treatment might appear sunburned for a few days.

To treat “rolling” scars, surgeons may inject a substance beneath the scar to elevate it back to normal skin. In some instances, doctors may suggest the removal of deep-indented scars.

Final Thoughts

The one thing you should not do in the face of acne scars is fill your face with creams, masks, or expensive lotion. They won’t work and could cause irritation to your skin even more and make the marks look more red and noticeable.

If you’ve got the appearance of a brownish or reddish mark on your face, which was caused by a blemish or zit, it’s likely to disappear. It could take a while or even longer. If you’re unhappy over acne-related marks, talk to your doctor, who can offer advice regarding what to do.