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Dermatologist Vs. Cosmetic Dermatologist – Key Differences

The latest medical advancements have provided new treatment options for care and skin rejuvenation. 

With the proliferation of innovative skin treatments aimed at cosmetic goals, patients often question the difference between dermatologists and Cosmetic dermatologists. Read this article to know the difference.

Dermatologist Vs. Cosmetic Dermatologist

The skin plays various roles in the body and is the most exposed to harm from the outside. This is why the skin is vulnerable to specific illnesses and visible signs of ageing. 

Dermatologists are doctors who are specialized in treating diseases in the face. They can be asymptomatic or harmless ailments like acne, mild skin conditions like dermatitis (rash), and fatal conditions like skin cancer.

Cosmetic dermatologists are doctors who focus on enhancing the aesthetics of the appearance of skin. 

This encompasses a variety of treatment options for imperfections or skin degrading. Examples include the removal of tags and warts, laser hair removal, and skin rejuvenation using microneedling and chemical peels, which make patients appear (and feel) younger.

Is A Cosmetic Dermatologist A Doctor?

Many dermatologists are cosmetic specialists, and many skincare “specialists” are not dermatologists. Although treatment for skin ailments is left to a medical dermatologist, many of the cosmetic treatments offered at salons and “skincare centers” are administered by individuals who aren’t physicians. 

They might have been trained in specific techniques for skin or treatments, but they’re not certified as medical professionals.

Elective Vs Medical Need

Because skin issues are so obvious, the majority of sufferers want to correct the problem as soon as they can. However, most procedures for treating skin problems are deemed “cosmetic” and” not medically necessary. 

This distinction comes up often when considering whether health insurance covers treatments that treat skin problems. Many insurance companies will not cover cosmetic procedures that are purely cosmetic. 


The condition typically manifests as a new discoloration (redness) on the face area. The reason for the symptoms is that blood vessels have been visible. Sometimes, it can also be accompanied by tiny pimples that appear in the affected region. 

The exact cause of the rosacea remains unknown, but experts believe that environmental and heredity influences are involved. 

It is impossible to treat this condition; however, with proper care, it is likely to treat and reduce the visible signs.

Cosmetic Dermatology

As we age, the functions of our bodies begin to slow and display indications of wear. This is more evident on our skin. As time passes, our skin begins to lose suppleness and tautness, and the body’s ability to renew fresh skin tissues diminishes. 

The unwelcome visible effects are well-known. Wrinkles, drooping eyes, crow’s feet around the eyes, and “frown lines” around the mouth are common.

Cosmetic dermatologist in nantwich can treat these skin conditions with treatments that focus on providing significant results. The most well-known of these treatments are:

Laser Hair Removal

With the benefit of breakthrough technology, this is now an increasingly well-known treatment for cosmetics. Through this treatment, specific-frequency beams of light are targeted at hair follicles. 

The hair follicle’s pigment absorbs the light and is destroyed after a few applications—the hair. Hair disappears permanently – no more tweezing or waxing is required.

Chemical Peels

The skin is blessed with remarkable rejuvenating power. The skin cells born at the outer epidermis get replenished naturally every 10 to 30 days! 

As we age, the ability to replace them decreases. Chemical peels are an effective treatment that pushes the body into producing healthy, soft skin. 

There are a variety of levels of chemical peels that target different levels of the skin to produce different results.

Mole Removal

Like warts, most moles are benign, soft growths that may appear everywhere in the body. 

They’re not something to fear and are pretty standard, and it is estimated that the average adult has between 10 and 40 moles. 

However, an unlucky mole could significantly impact a person’s appearance. Removing a mole is fairly straightforward but a highly minimal surgical procedure. The cosmetic dermatologist will concentrate on minimizing any marks left behind by removal.

How Do I Get Started?

Before deciding on the dermatologist to meet your needs for skin care, it’s essential to determine what you want to achieve, and which one is perfect for assisting you in achieving your goals. 

Although many independent clinics and facilities claim to be experts in the field of skin, it is essential to understand the distinction between technicians and dermatologists. 

They will possess specific, formal medical training in treating skin issues and conditions and instruction in cosmetic arts.

Make an appointment to speak with Dr Aiza today for glowing skin and the best treatment!